Dr. Linda Rudolph
Dr. Linda Rudolph is a public health physician with over four decades of experience in local and state government and non-profit organizations. Currently, Dr. Rudolph is the Director of the Center for Climate Change and Health at the Public Health Institute, where her work has focused on building capacity in local health departments to integrate climate change into public health practice and on supporting health professionals as climate and health champions. She previously served as Deputy Director for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in the California Department of Public Health. At CDPH, Linda was the founding chair of the California Health in All Policies Task Force under the auspices of the Strategic Growth Council.
Dr. Rudolph has also served as the Health Officer and Public Health Director for the City of Berkeley, Chief Medical Officer for Medi-Cal Managed Care, and Medical Director for the California Workers' Compensation Division. Linda received her M.D. from the University of California, San Francisco, and her M.P.H. and B.A. from UC Berkeley. She is board-certified in Occupational Medicine and worked for many years in occupational health, initially with the Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers' International Union.
Marcy Hiratzka
Clerk of the Boards, Administración
415.749.5073 mhiratzka@baaqmd.gov
Vanessa Johnson
Secretaria superior ejecutiva
415.749.4941 vjohnson@baaqmd.gov
Executive Office
(415) 749-5016
Última actualización: 08/11/2016