Về Địa Hạt Không Khí

Tam Doduc

Tam Doduc

Member, State Water Resources Control Board

Tam Doduc serves as the civil engineer on the State Water Resources Control Board, which has the joint authority of water right allocation and water quality protection in California. Her focus areas include ocean protection, water recycling, climate change, groundwater protection, research and monitoring, and organizational performance measurement and strategic planning.

Prior to her appointment to the State Water Board in 2005, Ms. Doduc served as Deputy Secretary at the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA), where she directed the agency's environmental justice and external scientific peer review activities. She also coordinated various environmental quality initiatives, and provided general oversight of children's environmental health programs.

Ms. Doduc began her career as an environmental consultant. She then joined the staff of the State Water Resources Control Board and, later, the California Air Resources Board. From 1998 to 2002, Ms. Doduc provided technical and business assistance to environmental technology developers and manufacturers, serving in the Office of Environmental Technology and, later, as Cal/EPA's Assistant Secretary for Technology Certification. From 2002 to 2004, Ms. Doduc served as Cal/EPA’s Assistant Secretary for Agriculture, Air and Chemical Programs.

A licensed civil engineer, Ms. Doduc earned a Bachelor of Science in BioEngineering from the University of California at Berkeley, and a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from the California State University in Sacramento. She also earned a Master of Business Administration from the University of California at Berkeley.

Contact Us

Marcy Hiratzka
Clerk of the Boards, Điều Hành

415.749.5073 mhiratzka@baaqmd.gov

Vanessa Johnson
Thư Ký Điều Hành Cao Cấp

415.749.4941 vjohnson@baaqmd.gov

Executive Office

(415) 749-5016

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Cập Nhật Lần Cuối: 08/11/2016