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Subvenciones para que los residentes del Área de la Bahía que reúnan los requisitos de ingresos retiren su antiguo vehículo y lo reemplacen con uno eléctrico híbrido, de enchufe, de baterías o de pila de hidrógeno; o con una tarjeta de prepago para usarse en el transporte público o en la compra de bicicletas eléctricas.
Read MoreSubvenciones para que los residentes del Área de la Bahía que reúnan los requisitos de ingresos retiren su antiguo vehículo y lo reemplacen con uno eléctrico híbrido, de enchufe, de baterías o de pila de hidrógeno; o con una tarjeta de prepago para usarse en el transporte público o en la compra de bicicletas eléctricas.
The Air District is inviting Bay Area residents to apply for the Clean Cars for All grant program which provides up to $9,500 for low-income members of communities disproportionately affected by air pollution to retire older vehicles and replace them with a hybrid, plug-in hybrid, or electric vehicle, or get a Clipper Card for public transit.
Read MoreThe Air District is inviting Bay Area residents to apply for the Clean Cars for All grant program which provides up to $9,500 for low-income members of communities disproportionately affected by air pollution to retire older vehicles and replace them with a hybrid, plug-in hybrid, or electric vehicle, or get a Clipper Card for public transit.
The Air District is announcing the expansion of its Clean Cars for All grant program, which offers incentives of up to $9,500 for income-qualified Bay Area residents to retire older cars and replace them with a hybrid, plug-in hybrid, or electric vehicle, or to get a pre-loaded Clipper Card for public transit.
Read MoreThe Air District is announcing the expansion of its Clean Cars for All grant program, which offers incentives of up to $9,500 for income-qualified Bay Area residents to retire older cars and replace them with a hybrid, plug-in hybrid, or electric vehicle, or to get a pre-loaded Clipper Card for public transit.
The Air District has relaunched its Clean Cars for All program with more than $8 million available for qualified residents to purchase a clean air vehicle.
Read MoreThe Air District has relaunched its Clean Cars for All program with more than $8 million available for qualified residents to purchase a clean air vehicle.
The Air District has expanded the Clean Cars for All program to the entire nine-county Bay Area within the Air District’s jurisdiction.
Read MoreThe Air District has expanded the Clean Cars for All program to the entire nine-county Bay Area within the Air District’s jurisdiction.
The Air District is announcing incentives of $1,200 through the Vehicle Buy Back Program for Bay Area residents to scrap 1997 and older vehicles to improve local air quality.
Read MoreThe Air District is announcing incentives of $1,200 through the Vehicle Buy Back Program for Bay Area residents to scrap 1997 and older vehicles to improve local air quality.
The Air District, in cooperation with the City of South San Francisco, is hosting the Clean Cars for All electric vehicle showcase on Saturday, August 17, from 10:00 AM – 2 PM, in South San Francisco.
Read MoreThe Air District, in cooperation with the City of South San Francisco, is hosting the Clean Cars for All electric vehicle showcase on Saturday, August 17, from 10:00 AM – 2 PM, in South San Francisco.
The Air District is announcing incentives of $1,200 through the Vehicle Buy Back Program for Bay Area residents to scrap 1998 and older vehicles to improve local air quality.
Read MoreThe Air District is announcing incentives of $1,200 through the Vehicle Buy Back Program for Bay Area residents to scrap 1998 and older vehicles to improve local air quality.
The Air District is hosting the Clean Cars for All electric vehicle showcase on Saturday, August 10, in Oakland.
Read MoreThe Air District is hosting the Clean Cars for All electric vehicle showcase on Saturday, August 10, in Oakland.
Encuentre respuesta a las preguntas frecuentes sobre el programa Clean Cars for All.
Read MoreEncuentre respuesta a las preguntas frecuentes sobre el programa Clean Cars for All.
Starting July 1, 2024, the Air District will offer $1,500 to Bay Area residents to improve local air quality by scrapping their 1998 and older vehicles through the Vehicle Buy Back Program.
Read MoreStarting July 1, 2024, the Air District will offer $1,500 to Bay Area residents to improve local air quality by scrapping their 1998 and older vehicles through the Vehicle Buy Back Program.
Revise si es elegible para el programa Clean Cars for All y presente una solicitud.
Read MoreRevise si es elegible para el programa Clean Cars for All y presente una solicitud.
Aprenda sobre las diferentes opciones de movilidad que puede recibir a través del programa Clean Cars for All.
Read MoreAprenda sobre las diferentes opciones de movilidad que puede recibir a través del programa Clean Cars for All.
Consulte la lista de concesionarios donde puede comprar vehículos más limpios conforme al programa Clean Cars for All.
Read MoreConsulte la lista de concesionarios donde puede comprar vehículos más limpios conforme al programa Clean Cars for All.
Obtenga información sobre los tipos de vehículos que puede comprar o arrendar para reemplazar su vehículo anterior en virtud del programa Clean Cars for All.
Read MoreObtenga información sobre los tipos de vehículos que puede comprar o arrendar para reemplazar su vehículo anterior en virtud del programa Clean Cars for All.
Aprenda sobre los requisitos de elegibilidad y descubra si es elegible para reemplazar su vehículo y recibir fondos de Clean Cars for All.
Read MoreAprenda sobre los requisitos de elegibilidad y descubra si es elegible para reemplazar su vehículo y recibir fondos de Clean Cars for All.
The Air District is announcing the start of the Spare the Air summer smog season on Monday, May 2. Millions of cars on our roadways each day remain the largest source of summertime smog pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in the Bay Area. The Spare the Air campaign encourages Bay Area residents to drive less and look for ways to share, shorten, or change their commutes to help reduce smog, traffic, and gridlock in the region.
Read MoreThe Air District is announcing the start of the Spare the Air summer smog season on Monday, May 2. Millions of cars on our roadways each day remain the largest source of summertime smog pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in the Bay Area. The Spare the Air campaign encourages Bay Area residents to drive less and look for ways to share, shorten, or change their commutes to help reduce smog, traffic, and gridlock in the region.
mar. 31, 2020 ... PARA SU PUBLICACIÓN INMEDIATA: 18 de noviembre de 2019 CONTACTO: Ralph Borrmann - 415.749.4900 El Air District amplía el programa de subvenciones Clean Cars for All Los ...
Read Moremar. 31, 2020 ... PARA SU PUBLICACIÓN INMEDIATA: 18 de noviembre de 2019 CONTACTO: Ralph Borrmann - 415.749.4900 El Air District amplía el programa de subvenciones Clean Cars for All Los ...
Dec 23, 2022 ... DocuSign Envelope ID: D2A1640C-D933-4F81-8ABC-0A3C4BCFAFB3 BAY AREA AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 2022-31 A Resolution Accepting Clean Cars for All Program funds From the ...
Read MoreDec 23, 2022 ... DocuSign Envelope ID: D2A1640C-D933-4F81-8ABC-0A3C4BCFAFB3 BAY AREA AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 2022-31 A Resolution Accepting Clean Cars for All Program funds From the ...
Última actualización: 08/11/2016