With the lifting of the Bay Area's emergency Shelter-in-Place Order, the Air District is transitioning to a regular service environment.
Please continue to hold off on visiting our office unless you have made specific arrangements.
Here is an overview of how we handle permitting business:
With the exception of the Transfer of Ownership form which must be mailed, we encourage you to email your submission to:
For Open Burn, email: openburn@baaqmd.gov
For Asbestos Demolition, Renovation, Job (“J”) number, email: asbestosjobs@baaqmd.gov
For submitting data update forms, email: DataUpdate@baaqmd.gov
For all other permits, email: permits@baaqmd.gov
Email submissions may include: Permit applications, banking applications, administrative forms, data (annual) update forms, and start-up notifications.
If you want to know whether your permit application was received, you can look up its status. It may take up to 5 business days upon receipt for submitted application to be entered and listed. Mailed applications that are not listed may be in transit. If you have questions about whether your application was received, please email us at permits@baaqmd.gov (preferred) or leave a voicemail message at 415-749-4990.
You can look up the status of your payments and or pay online at www.baaqmd.gov/pay. You will need your invoice number and customer number located on your invoice to use this service. Online payments are encouraged and the best way to avoid payment problems. Payment by fax is no longer available.
If you recently paid to renew your Permit to Operate or Certificate of Registration, new permit documents will be issued in about 3 to 5 business days after your payment is posted. Permit documents will not we issued if there is an outstanding balance on your invoice.
After a permit application’s decision is made, permit documents will be issued by email as a PDF. When a signature is required, they will have an electronic signature.
If you have forms to submit, we encourage you to email them to DataUpdate@baaqmd.gov per the instructions in the "Submitting documents and forms" section on this page.
If you have a question on Open Burn, please contact the Compliance & Enforcement Division at openburn@baaqmd.gov (preferred) or 415-749-4999.
If you have a question on asbestos, demolition, renovation, or job numbers or j-numbers, please contact the Compliance & Enforcement Division at asbestosjobs@baaqmd.gov (preferred) or 415-749-4762.
If you have an Engineering staff member assigned to your facility, the best way to communicate is by email. We have access to voicemail but will not be able to answer direct calls. If you have a name but not the contact information, refer to the staff directory.
If you have a general question or don’t know your assigned Engineering staff, please email us at permits@baaqmd.gov (preferred) or leave a voicemail message at 415-749-4990.
For more questions on compliance please visit our Compliance Assistance page.
415 749-4762 asbestosjobs@baaqmd.gov
415.749.4990 permits@baaqmd.gov
Underground Tanks
415 749.4999
Last Updated: 2023/3/7