Learn about the Air District's development process for amendments to Regulation 12, Rule 15, which address reporting deadlines for annual emissions inventories.
Find out about the status and anticipated timeline of the rule development process. Information on hearings, workshops, and other events is provided below, along with supporting documents and materials.
Amendments to Regulation 12, Rule 15: Petroleum Refining Emissions Tracking were adopted by the Air District's Board of Directors at a public hearing on December 4, 2019:
The Air District is developing amendments to Regulation 12, Rule 15: Petroleum Refining Emissions Tracking that would revise reporting requirements for annual emissions inventories.
These amendments to Rule 12-15 would require earlier submission of criteria pollutant and toxic air contaminant annual emissions inventories to the Air District. Additionally, the amendments would require facilities to submit greenhouse gas and third-party verified greenhouse gas annual emissions inventories to the Air District in coordination with existing California Air Resources Board reporting deadlines.
The Air District released a Notice of Public Hearing. At a public hearing scheduled for December 4, 2019, the Board of Directors will consider proposed amendments for Rule 12-15, along with supporting documents. The proposed rule language and supporting documents can be found below. Comments will be accepted through Friday, November 22, 2019.
In June 2019, the Air District released draft amendments to Rule 12-15. Comments on the draft amendments were accepted through July 15, 2019.
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Supporting materials, such as staff reports, regulatory language, and other technical documents related to rule development, are posted throughout the development process.
Last Updated: 1/27/2022