
Sunday, September 09, 2018

The Air District will host a signing ceremony for mayors, city and county government officials, and leaders of industry and business from all over the world who commit to going diesel free by signing the Statement of Purpose to cut diesel use to zero by 2033. 

Spare the Air Status

The signing ceremony is part of a day-long conference “United Against GHGs - Diesel Free by ’33,” an affiliate event of the Governor’s Climate Action Summit. By signing the Statement of Purpose, these leaders will join the Bay Area Air District and the state of California in showcasing collective leadership by identifying and adopting innovative solutions to eliminate diesel emissions and black carbon from our communities.

Diesel exhaust causes significant public health effects and accelerates climate change. The California Air Resources Board estimates that on-road diesel and off-road mobile engines comprise 54 percent of the state of California’s total black carbon emissions, a short-lived climate pollutant that is contributing significantly to global climate change.

WHAT: Diesel Free by ’33 signing ceremony

WHERE: Bay Area Metro Center atrium, 375 Beale Street, San Francisco

WHEN: Wednesday, September 12, from 10:30 a.m. – noon

WHY: Connect with thriving Bay Area green technology industry

WHO: Mayors, city council members, county supervisors, city managers, business and community leaders

For more information about the Diesel Free event, visit the Diesel Free by '33 website.

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Last Updated: 9/10/2018