About the Air District

Hearing Board Rules and Forms

Learn about the Hearing Board’s rules, apply for a variance or emergency variance, or request a hardship fee waiver.

The Hearing Board is authorized by Health and Safety Code Section 40807 to adopt rules for the conduct of its hearings. The current Hearing Board rules were last amended in 2010. The Draft Hearing Board Rules (see link to the PDF below) are being published for a 30-day notice and comment period. Public comment should be submitted to the Hearing Board Clerk on or before July 3, 2024. All comments will be considered prior to a public hearing being noticed for final adoption of the draft rules on July 30, 2024. Public comments may be submitted to Marcy Hiratzka at mhiratzka@baaqmd.gov by July 3, 2024.


Refer to the current Hearing Board rules when applying for variances, filing for appeals, and learning about the Hearing Board’s procedures and policies. To learn more about the Hearing Board rules, please view the findings required for issuance of variance.


Apply for a variance or emergency variance, or request a hardship fee waiver using the forms below. Contact the Clerk of the Boards (see Contact Us item at the bottom of the page) if you need to apply for an emergency variance.

Hearing Board Forms

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Contact Us

Marcy Hiratzka
Clerk of the Boards, Executive & Administrative Resources

415.749.5073 mhiratzka@baaqmd.gov

Vanessa Johnson
Manager, Executive & Administrative Resources

415.749.4941 vjohnson@baaqmd.gov

Executive Office


Contact Us

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Last Updated: 5/30/2024