Expanding access to electric vehicle charging stations.
The Fiscal Year Ending (FYE) 2023 Charge! Program is now closed and no longer accepting applications. Existing grantees can access their projects in the Grantee Portal.
The Charge! Program provides grant funding to offset a portion of the cost to purchase and install new publicly accessible (multi-family housing located projects are not subject to public accessibility requirements) chargers for light-duty electric vehicles, or EVs, along transportation corridors, at multi-family housing facilities, destinations, transit parking locations, and workplaces across the Bay Area. The goal of the Charge! Program is to rapidly expand access to EV charging stations to help achieve the Bay Area’s EV-adoption goals of 90 percent of the overall vehicle fleet by 2050. At the end of 2021, there were more than 266,000 EVs registered to Bay Area drivers. This program is funded through the Air District’s Transportation Fund for Clean Air Regional Fund and other sources depending on funding availability, which provide grants to improve air quality within the nine-county Bay Area by reducing emissions of pollutants from on-road vehicles, and may include additional funding sources as available.
The Air District’s FYE 2023 Charge! Program is now closed and a total of $5 million in grant funding was available. The FYE 2023 Charge! Program was a competitive solicitation, and the Air District will review, score, and rank all eligible grant applications to determine awardees. The solicitation results can be found on the 2023 Charge! Program rank list .
The FYE 2023 Charge! Program is now closed. The Air District provided responses to written questions received in the Questions and Answers document in the "FYE 2023 Charge! Program Resources" section above.
General questions regarding the Charge! Program can be submitted to the email address shown on this page.
This web page will be updated with additional information on future solicitations. Use the form at the bottom of the page to sign up for the email Charge! Program email list.
Sign up to receive updates on the latest Charge Program activities via email notifications for all Charge Program categories.
The Air District’s FYE 2022 Charge! Program is closed. The FYE 2022 Charge! Program was a competitive solicitation, and the Air District reviewed, scored, and ranked all grant applications to determine awardees.
Did you know that you may qualify for Low Carbon Fuel Standard, or LCFS, credits to help offset the cost of operating the charging stations? For more information, please visit the California Air Resources Board LCFS Electricity and Hydrogen Provisions web page.
Last Updated: 12/8/2022